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Millennium Cataloging macros

last updated 04/15/05
revised with minor edits 6/7/12 by Shirley Higgins

Settings needed for MilCat macros:

In order for most macros to execute properly, you need to set your Preferences (Edit, Preferences, Editor tab) as follows:


To find macro settings in MilCat, go to Admin--> Settings--> Macros

List of Keyboard Codes

The Keyboard Code column in the table below lists the string of characters you should enter in the function key text box of the Macros tab, and the Corresponding Key Combination column below contains the actual keyboard command that corresponds to the code. Note that the keyboard codes for nonalphanumeric characters use all capital letters, and the keyboard code must be enclosed in percent signs. You can also insert these keyboard codes by right-clicking your mouse when you're creating your macros.

Keyboard Code Corresponding Key Combination
















Page Up


Page Down



%ALT+<another key>%

ALT+<another key>

%CTRL+<another key>%

CTRL+<another key>

%SHIFT+<another key>%

SHIFT+<another key>

Note that "<another key>" stands for any other alphanumeric or nonalphanumeric key you may enter, e.g., " %CTRL+t% ," " %ALT+Left% ", " %CTRL+SHIFT+t% ".

Sample macros (to use, just copy and paste into macro line and save):

Shortcut commands:

To copy/paste an entire marc field (one line only) (this macro mimics the Ctrl+d, Ctrl+u commands in Pactech)
Put your cursor anywhere on the line that you wish to copy/paste and execute macro. (NOTE: this macro only works for fields that do not wrap. For fields that wrap over one line, use the next macro)


To copy/paste an entire marc field that wraps an extra line (this macro mimics the Ctrl+d, Ctrl+u commands in Pactech)
Put your cursor on the top line of the marc field that you wish to copy/paste and execute macro. (NOTE: this macro should only be used for marc fields that wrap an extra line. For single line fields that do not wrap, use he above macro)


To go from Edit to Summary mode:


To go from Summary to Edit mode:


To refresh a record:



To quit/close a record:


Return to Browse
Returns you to Browse results from any screen.


To open/set Record View Properties
Opens Record View Properties so you can customize your settings. You can execute this macro any time but you may need to invoke more than once to get it to open.


Authority records:

Authority record macro (created by Ryan Finnerty)
Creates the 008 and the leader for authority records. You will need to modify it to add other fields that you need. To execute macro, go to File-->New Record-->Authority record and invoke the macro:

%ENTER%008%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%neacnnnaabn a aaa d%ALT+v%r

Series authority record macro (based on original authority macro by Ryan Finnerty)
Example of above macro with more fields added to it. This one creates an authority record template for series. To execute macro, go to File-->New Record-->Authority record and invoke the macro:

%ENTER%008%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%%RIGHT%neacnnnaabn a aaa d%ALT+v%r%ENTER%130 0xxx%ENTER%430%TAB%x-ref%ENTER%642%TAB%no.%ENTER%643%TAB%|b%ENTER%644%TAB%f%ENTER%645%TAB%t%ENTER%646%TAB%s%ENTER%910%TAB%


Autostat macro (preset autostat code)
Replace current month in mmm, cataloger's initials in xxx, and preferred autostat code (if not cop). Execute macro when item record is displayed.


Autostat macro (variable autostat code, by Ryan Finnerty)
Replace current month in mmm, cataloger's initials in xxx, and preferred autostat code (if not cop). Execute macro when item record is displayed. The macro will move back 3 spaces so you can enter a different autostat code if needed:


Adding special fields to bibliographic records:

>007 macro
Adds >007 for a computer file to a bib record. Invoke the macro anywhere in the record.

%ENTER%007cr unu%ALT+v%r

Adding variable fields to bibliographic records:

>530 Also issued online
Invoke the macro anywhere in the record.

%ENTER%530%TAB%Also issued online%ALT+v%r

Searching macros

PID search macro
Use in search mode: This macro selects the "i" search index and fills in the PID URL syntax. Type in the PID number and hit enter to complete search. Unfortunately, this macro sometimes requires invoking twice and sometimes doesn't work at all. Macro should be executed in Search mode.
