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Guidelines for Setting Up 930/973 $a and Local Collections for Electronic Resources

For instructions on how to code the 930/973 $g, refer to Using 930/973 $g to Code Status of Access to E-Serial Content.

[NOTE: This document applies to licensed (paid), open access, DDA, EBA, and EBS titles]


  1. Eight or more titles
  2. Seven or fewer titles
  3. Collection name conventions(formerly 856 $z)
  4. Open access resources
  5. Differentiating UCSD and CDL licensed resources
  6. Analytics
  7. Databases and integrating resources
  8. Journal issues in ebook or emonograph series
  9. Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) (Includes PDA and leased)
  10. Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) (Includes EBS and ESP)
  11. Platform migration and content provider/collection name changes

1. Eight or more titles: If there are 8 or more titles that are grouped under a common domain, create a distinct collection name (formerly 856 $z) and 930/973 title hook for the grouping, and fill out the Google 930/973 request form (one for each 930/973) for approval. As a general rule, 930/973 title hooks may strive to reflect the name of the collection as it appears on the website, identify platforms (landing pages), the CZ, and/or its known name from an acquisitions/licensing stand point.  Avoid use of initialisms/acronyms unless there is a strong reason to do so.  Unless dates are part of the name of the collection, do not add them to the 930/973s.  930/973s may be suffixed with one or more of the following: "online conference proceedings," "online journals," "online monographs," “online databases,” “online newspapers,” “online videos,” “online audio,” or "online datasets."  You can start using the 930/973 once it has been added to the e-resources tracking pages by Renee or Hanley for UCSD resources and Kate for CDL resources. 

930 0_ JSTOR online journals.

930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. BioMed Central online journals.

930 0_ AccessMedicine online monographs.

973 0_ UCSD licensed databases.

2. Seven or fewer titles: If there are 7 or fewer titles in a collection (i.e., total number extant, not the number that we have cataloged or paid for) and there is no apparent need to set up a distinct 930/973 title hook:

for paid titles, use:

930/973 0_ Miscellaneous <UC or UC San Diego> subscription online journals.

930/973 0_ Miscellaneous <UC or UC San Diego> subscription online monographs.

Add to collection: Miscellaneous <UC or UC San Diego> subscription online <journals or monographs>.

for open access titles, use:

930/973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the <UC Libraries or UC San Diego Library>.

Add to collection: Open access resource; selected by the <UC Libraries or UC San Diego Library>.

NOTE: **If there are 7 or fewer titles and there is a need to set up a distinct 930/973 hook, discuss with Renee (UCSD) or Kate (CDL).**

3. Collection name conventions (formerly 856 $z): For resources with CZ portfolios, the collection name will be supplied by the CZ collection record.  For resources with local standalone portfolios or if creating a local collection, follow these guidelines:

  1. Generally speaking, use the established 930/973 hook as the collection name for local collections.
  2. For most open access and standalone titles that don't belong to another named collection (including analytics), use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names. 
  3. For standalone portfolios not attached to any collection, create a collection name that is a short note that reflects the 930/973 hook and identifies platforms (landing pages) if needed.  This collection name will be recorded in the public note of the portfolio.
  4. For gov docs and databases, use the CZ collection if available.  Otherwise establish the collection name on a case-by-case basis.  
930 0_ JSTOR online journals.
Collection name: JSTOR Arts & Sciences XI. (from the CZ)

930 0_ American Heart Association online journals.
Public note in portfolio: American Heart Association via HighWire. Restricted to UCSD IP addresses (standalone portfolio, no attached collection)

973 0_ Miscellaneous subscription UC San Diego online journals.
Collection name: Miscellaneous subscription UC San Diego online journals. (973 has a corresponding local collection of the same name)

973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. U.S. online <journals or monographs>.
Collection name: US Government Documents via MARCIVE. (local collection created by SCP)

4. Open access resources 

a. Open access resources (general)
For UCSD open access resources that aren't already part of another named collection, use:
973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library.
Collection name: Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library.

b. Open access resources (SC&A)
For UCSD SC&A open access resources that aren't already part of another named collection, use:
973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library. From Special Collections & Archives ...
Collection name: Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library. From Special Collections & Archives.

c. Open access resources by commercial publishers
UCSD and CDL may be licensed for titles from publishers that also offer open access titles. As a result, a 930/973 may already exist for the licensed titles.  Construct the 930/973 for the open access title by adding the established 930/973 of the licensed collection in the 2nd half of the 930/973 field.

930/973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the <UC Libraries or UC San Diego Library>. [established 930/973 hook for licensed collection].

930 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC Libraries. Taylor & Francis online journals. Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.

d. International documents

Per the January 2008 SCFG meeting, assign the following >930/973 for international documents (not including EU documents):

930/973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the <UC Libraries or UC San Diego Library>.

Even if there are 8 or more titles grouped under a common domain, do not create a separate hook for the grouping.

Collection name: Open access resource; selected by the <UC Libraries or UC San Diego Library>.

5. Differentiating UCSD and CDL licensed resources 

All 930/973 hooks for UCSD licensed resources will be distinguished by the presence of "UC San Diego Library" or "(UCSD)."  If the hook is distinguished by the qualifier (UCSD), it will appear at the end of the 930/973 $a which facilitates browse results.

973 0_ JSTOR online journals (UCSD).
973 0_ EBSCO (UCSD). Applied science & technology full text online journals.

6. Analytics

All online journal analytics should have their own 930/973 hook.  Though some analyzed journals may contain fewer than 8 titles due to title changes or cessations, 930/973 hooks still apply since analytic treatment decisions for serials apply to the entire serial.  Collection names for analytics are comprised of [serial title] + via [provider].

a. Journals:

930/973s: Use the established title hook for the collection followed by [journal title] + online monographs.
973 0_ Project Muse online journals (UCSD). Social text online monographs.
973 0_ JSTOR online journals (UCSD). Philosophical perspectives online monographs.

Collection names:
UCSD collection name for analytics = [Serial title] + via [provider] + (UCSD analytic)
Example: Camden fifth series via Cambridge digital archive (UCSD analytic)

UCSD collection name for CDL licensed journal analyzed by UCSD = [Serial title] + via [provider] + (UCSD analytic licensed by CDL)
Example: Analytica chimica acta via ScienceDirect (UCSD analytic licensed by CDL)

b. Working papers:

Use the open access resource title hook followed by Working papers + (working papers publisher/organization).

973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library. Working papers (World Institute for Development Economics Research)
Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.
c. U.S. documents:

Use the open access resource title hook followed by U.S. online analyzed serials + [journal title]).

973 0_ Open access resource; selected by the UC San Diego Library. U.S. online analyzed serials (Economic and policy analysis working paper).

Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.
d. Subcollections:
For collection title hooks that already consist of a 2nd title, omit the intervening in favor of [journal title]+online monographs
973 0_ Newsbank/Readex online newspapers (UCSD). Hispanic American Newspapers, 1808-1980. Grito online monographs.

CORRECT: 973 0_ Newsbank/Readex online newspapers (UCSD). Grito online monographs.
Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.
The e-resources tracking page will be updated under collection name to reflect the new 930/973 statements.

7. Databases and integrating resources

973s with suffix "... databases" are applied to integrating resources only (e.g., coded Bib lvl: i).  For resources that behave or look like databases, but are static, use 973s with suffix "... online monographs."


8. Journal issues in ebook collections or emonograph series (For serial issues in DDA packages, see #6)

Occasionally, journal titles or series may appear in ebook collections.  If the journal or series issues are not analyzed, and the work is better cataloged as a serial (e.g., no distinctive titles, cataloging precedent for treating the title as a serial, frequently issued editions of textbooks, etc.), a new title hook may be required to distinguish the license and collection from which it emanates.  If there are separate licenses for ebooks and journals, and separate 930/973 hooks have already been established for each, establish a new title hook as follows:

930/973 0_ [Established 930/973 hook for ejournal]. [Provider name] eBook collection.


930 0_ SpringerLink online journals. Springer eBook collection

973 0_ Royal Society of Chemistry online journals (UCSD). RSC eBook collection.

NOTE: The provider name can be abbreviated as needed to keep the 930/973 hook succinct.
Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.

9. Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) (Use also for Patron-Driven Acquisition (PDA) and packages based on a "leasing" model)

a. CDL exception: Do not apply to CRC Press DDA titles.  Consult the CDL eresources tracking page for the established 930/973s.  Do not perform retrospective cleanup on these to make them conform to the standard below.  All other collection 930/973s should be established following the standard below.
Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) packages are difficult to track and monitor so 930/973 hooks help facilitate the DDA workflow.  Libraries do not own DDA titles so it’s important to distinguish them from licensed or open access titles.  However, DDA titles may later be automatically purchased or "leased" after being accessed a set number of times.  To reduce confusion between the various DDA packages and contracts, establish a different 930/973 hook for pre-purchased titles in each collection.  After DDA titles have been purchased, the hooks should be changed to reflect their purchased status or a new hook may need to be established if an appropriate one does not already exist.  Use the following guidelines to help establish useful 930/973 hooks for pre-purchase and purchased titles in DDA packages:

b. Pre-purchase DDA titles:Consult the eresources tracking pages (UCSD and CDL) to see if 930/973 has already been established for the ebook or ejournal collection.  If not, follow the guidelines above to establish a 930/973:

e.g., 930 0_ JSTOR online monographs.

Add "DDA" following the name of the provider, preceding the "online ..." suffix.  If part of a UCSD DDA collection, add the (UCSD) qualifier at the end of the 930/973 $a.  If part of a CDL DDA collection, add "CDL" preceding "DDA".

973 0_ JSTOR DDA online monographs (UCSD).
930 0_ JSTOR CDL DDA online monographs.
973 0_ Kanopy DDA online videos (UCSD). (unleased titles)
973 0_ ProQuest (UCSD). Ebook central DDA online monographs.

If the collection needs to be distinguished from others as a short-term collection or project, add the word "pilot" after the DDA designation. 
930 0_ JSTOR CDL DDA pilot online monographs.
If the collection needs to be distinguished by dates due to contract terms, and affects tracking, add a short name identifying the collection and the year or ISO 8601 date format [yyyy-mm] in a 936 field.  The text in the 936 field also needs to be approved and added to the eresources tracking pages before use.  The 936 field is added to both the NET and CDL records.  (NOTE: the 936 fields in the CDL records are not distributed to the campuses)

930 0_ Airiti CDL DDA online monographs.
936 _9 Airiti DDA 2015-01

c. Purchased or leased DDA titles:When a DDA title has been purchased, remove "DDA" or "CDL DDA" to reflect that it no longer has DDA status or apply an established 930/973 hook for the collection in question.

930 0_ JSTOR online monographs.

If a purchased title is cataloged as a serial, create a 930/973 hook to distinguish it from the ejournal license since it was purchased as an ebook.

930 0_ JSTOR online journals. JSTOR purchased online monographs.

Leased titles: If the title has been leased, add the word "leased" after the provider name preceding the "... online" suffix to distinguish it from a licensed title (e.g., "owned" title with perpetual access).

     973 0_ Kanopy leased online videos (UCSD). (leased)
     973 0_ Kanopy online videos (UCSD). (owned)

Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.

10. Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) (Use also for Evidence-Based Selection (EBS) and Evidence-based Selection Planning (ESP))

Evidence-Based Acquisition (EBA) differs from Demand-Driven Acquisition (DDA) because institutions pay up front to access a collection of titles for a set time period.  At the end of that set time, librarians must select which titles to buy based on patron use (or not) with the money paid up front.  Establish a unique 930/973 hook for EBA titles as follows:  Consult the eresources tracking pages (UCSD and CDL) to see if a 930/973 hook has already been established for the ebook or ejournal collection.  If not, follow the guidelines above to establish a 930/973:
e.g., Taylor & Francis online monographs.

Add "EBA" following the name of the provider, preceding the "online ..." suffix.  If part of a UCSD EBA collection, add the (UCSD) qualifier at the end of the 930/973 $a.  If part of a CDL EBA collection, add "CDL" preceding "EBA". 

973 0_ Taylor & Francis EBA online monographs (UCSD).
930 0_ Taylor & Francis CDL EBA online monographs.

When EBA titles have been selected, remove the “EBA” designation to reflect its “purchased” status.

930 0_ Taylor & Francis online monographs.
973 0_ Taylor & Francis online monographs (UCSD).

Use the established 930/973 hooks as the collection names.

11. Platform migration and content provider/collection name changes

Prepared by: Adolfo Tarango, Nov. 21, 2005
Revised and updated: November 20, 2023