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Patron Notifies for Musical Scores

  • Use this procedure for uncataloged musical scores that patrons have requested.

    • The person handling music Acquisitions in CARS will flag notifies upon receipt with a Notify streamer, and may also add a Rush streamer. They will add a note with patron contact info in either the order or item record if not already there. Scores will be property stamped.
    • Treat these as Rush materials. Complete Music & Media Unit processing within 24 hours.
    • Generally all Notify materials are to be cataloged before forwarding to the patron. For materials that can’t be cataloged in 24 hours add an item message: Return to Music and Media Cataloging and Metadata, 0175-K, when patron returns this item to complete cataloging. If the item also requires a message for the person checking in the item to check for the presence of loose pages or parts, combine both messages into a single message, e.g.: Check pocket for 2 parts; Return to Music and Media Cataloging and Metadata, 0175-K, when patron returns this item to complete cataloging.
    • Once a music notify item is cataloged, the cataloger will decide if the item requires further binding and whether the item can circulate without its permanent binding.
      • If the item requires further binding but can circulate safely--and most items can--the cataloger will insert an item record message instructing Access Services to return the item to Music Cataloging when the patron is done with it. (If a message will be keyed to check for the presence of loose pages or parts, incorporate both statements into one message field so that it will display to person checking in the item, e.g.: Check pocket for 2 parts; Return to Music and Media Cataloging and Metadata, 0175-K, when patron returns this item to complete binding.) Scores with loose leaves or parts may be put in a large envelope marked with the Composer/Title of the work and the text: ACCESS OPERATIONS: Please return to Music and Media Cataloging and Metadata, 0175-K, once item is checked back in.
      • For items too fragile to circulate without further treatment, see special binding instructions below.*
      • Items only requiring labelling but no further binding do not require any of the special steps above. Proceed to the steps below.
    • The cataloger will place the item on the Rush/Notify shelf in Labeling and Distribution (L&D).
    • L&D will send the item to the Notify shelf in Access Operations.
    • Access Operations will notify the patron and take care of circulating the item.
    • For items requiring further binding: Once the patron has returned the item and it has been checked in and returned to Music and Media Cataloging and Metadata, the cataloger will check to see whether the item needs to be cataloged, and catalog it if necessary. Once the item is ready for binding, the cataloger removes the item message about returning it to Music Cataloging and then puts it on the Music binding shelf.
    • For items that do not require further binding: Once they are returned, confirm that labeling is complete, and place on the reshelving truck. These will be sent directly to the shelves.. No item record message fields will need to be edited, and the items won't need to go to Preservation.

    *Special Instructions for Very Fragile Materials

    • The cataloger will mark the notify streamer: "Bind before circulating" and place the item on the Music L&D shelf.
    • L&D will process and send to Music shelf in Preservation, as usual.
    • Preservation will retain the notify streamer in the item throughout the binding process.
    • Once bound, Preservation will mail the item to Access Services for their Notifies shelf.
    • The item will circulate normally from this point on.

Date: August 17, 2016

Updated by Jim Soe Nyun